Sunday, December 28, 2008


its 1:37 in the freaking morning. i've been up since 6 a.m. and yet im still writing this instead of sleeping. lol. christmas is over ....which is really sad. on christmas i opened presents with the fam. and then went over to my aunt and uncles for dinner with the rest of the family. we hung out there till like 8 and then went home. my cousin, sister, and i wanted to go out but we couldnt find anywhere that was open so we had to just stay home. :( the next day we went to the mall. it was the worrrsstt. thats seriously the last time im every going shopping on the day after christmas. every store was crowded and messy and UGH. it gave me a hugee headache. it was so bad that we only stayed for about an hour, and probably 30 mins. of that was getting lunch. after that we went to see my cousin and her kids. they have a new baby and hes sooo so so cute :) after that we went home and then out to sushi. it was my aunt, uncle, and cousins' last night at our house so we all just stayed home after that. 
im pretty excited for new years...even though i dont know what i'll be doing yet. no one ever tells me till like the last minute. haha. i think i might fly down to my cousins house and stay with her for a day, and then we'll drive down the rest of the way to my aunt and uncles house and meet the rest of my family that should be fun. i feel kinda bad cuz i've had like NO time to hang out with or really even talk to anyone over break, since we've either not been here, or had family here. jordan called me a little while ago and we talked for a lonnng time cuz i hadnt had a chance to talk to him for like a week. soo yeah. i feel bad, but at the same time i barely ever get to see my family. =/ imma try to hang out with people before i go down to socal tho, so at least i didnt totally blow off my plans with everyone. i havta catch up on hella hw and stuff too before i go back to school. oohh...more good news. i think im going to the spring break river trip with everyone this year :D haha and im tooooo juiced for it. i didnt get to go last year and a lot of new people came :( but im keeping my fingers crossed that hopefully i'll be able to make it this year. mkaaay well i think that ima try to actually get some sleep tonight so i can be rested for SF tmrw. yayy!
niteeee everyone.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

happy holidays :)

sooo winterbreak is finally here. up until this week i've had like no time to just relax. school is so...ugh. too many things to worry about. i need to bring my grades up really quick. almost as soon as we get back we have finals...which is retarded b/c almost everyone else gets to have them over with before break. im hella scared cuz if i dont do well on my bio and math finals then i'll be failing. =/ haha so until we have to be back at school im trying to not even think about it. also, i've been annoyed all week cuz stupid guys. once i see something that i want...i have to have it. so even though a lot of people told me not to even talk to this guy...i didnt listen, and now i kinda regret it cuz the whole thing was just a waste of time. im pretty sure if i wanted it bad enough i could have it...but its not even worth the effort anymore. its just annoying cuz i hate it when people start something without finishing it. but whatever. nm i can do now. anyways...i just got back from santa barbara with the fam for the weekend. it was hellllla fun. i love it there. there's soo many hot guys and also a lot of good shopping. i got to go to juicy, lucky, betsey johnson, urban outfitters, and a really big nordstroms. i looked for the steve madden boots i wanted but they only had them in an ugly brown color, or gray, which i already have. i got really cute tube socks from juicy couture though, and a lot of other stuff too. :D i was trying to get all of my xmas shopping done while i was there, but i ended up only getting stuff for myself =/ which meeeeannns...imma have to do it all tomorrow. :( ugh i dont even want to think about how crowded the mall is gonna be. lol thats what i get for putting it off till the last minute tho. we have a lot of family staying at our house already, and even more people coming yay for that. haha. i dnt even know  what our plans actually are for xmas yet. pictures coming soon :)
happy holidays!