yayy! it makes me soo happyyy!
i havnt done one of these in awhilee..alot of stuff has happened. lets seee..
haha. ok soo finals are FINALLY over!
thankgod. i was getting soo tired of studying and stressing about them; even though it was nice to get out early all week. and actually, i didnt do that bad on them! i have all A's & B's right now so im gonna tryta keep that up. but since it is a new semester..alot of things changed.
health is over :( which sucks cuz that was the easiest class ever. now i have geography and we actually have to do work. ughh i hate that class already. the whole class is like hellaaa weird people, but at least nicole, osa, and brandon are in it. but anyywayyys. our teacher really likes to talk. like aLOT. about herself. ohhgeez. thats gonna get annoying really fast. and shes strict about random stuff that shouldnt even be a big deal. ms. kohl was hella cool and we had almost nooo rules in that class and now its like..ughh!
also, i got switched out of my old geometry class. it was too hard, and i knew i wasnt gonna be able to bring my grades up so now im just in c.p. geometry. today was my first day, and the class was in the portables and omg it was so hard to find! hahah i was wandering around hella lost for like ten minutes before i found it. so yeah i hadda walk in all late. and i barely knew anyyone. the class is mostly sophs. and juniors i think. and when i got there i thought they were way behind my old class...but really theyr like 2 or 3 chapters ahead, which kindaa scares me. but we'll see. it already seems waay easier. all we did today was take notes and then work on this worksheet for the rest of class. and people were telling me he barely gives hw so thats cool.
and then in bio. we hadda move seats :( that suckkkss. cuz the only reason i liked going to that class at all was to talk to mickala, saul, and imari. and some of the ppl who i sit by now are soo fckn annoying. but at least i have an A now, and imma tryyy to keep my grades up this semester. i hella need to get organized. with my life. as dumb as it sounds. aha. its trueee tho. this semester i needa like put more focus into school, and deff. less on guys. so we'll see how that goes. no but i really am gonna try, as boring as its gonna be. they can come laterrr.
soo this week went hella fast, suprisingly.
i was nottt looking forward to coming back but it really wasnt that bad.
and this weekend i think imma hang out with lili and adri which is good cuz i havnt seen them in forrreeever. um yeah. alottt more stuff happened this week but im tirrreed. and im kindaa past all of the shit that happened. dumb bitch needs to get over herself. she tried to come at me sideways cuz she thinks i was talking to her boyfriend while they were going out.
pshh. the last thing i am is a homewrecker.
i do NOT mess around with other peoples boyfriends.
he approached me...and as far as i knew he was single.
at least thats what he told me.
if shes so concerned she needs to keep him on a shorter leash.
and check herself before she talks.
im overrrr it- and she should be too.
enough about that though.
ahh i should prbly go do homework -_-
more later
much love <3
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