Saturday, January 31, 2009


the people doing the human ☮ thingy at lunch.
me and yessi at p.e.
haha dont you love how i say imma write every day and then im not on here till like four days later?
no but really. i wanted to but i've had NO time at all lately.
all because of stupid school.
im in a lot of trouble cuz its only a couple weeks into the new quarter and i already brought my grades down to D's and C's.
which is whyyyy. im grounded this weekend.
it sucks. i wanted to go to the cv basketball game with everyone last night, but i hadda stay home :( and then everyone who went was like ooohh my god it was like the best game so far! it was helllla crazy!
so now i have the rest of the weekend to look forward to. 
um staying at home or going to family parties.
exciting right? haha
well...yesterday was hella boring and it felt soooo long.
in 1st period we didnt  havta dress cuz most of the teachers were gone, so we just took pictures. haha it was fun but it seemed like we were in there for like 2 hours.
then in 2nd, we had this quiz and like really, i only knew how to do 1 problem on it, b/c they learned most of that stuff before i was in that class. i think i can retake it tho, so its cool.
i still barely know anyyyone in that class so its b o r i n g. 
then in 3rd, we hadda do our presentations, which i was liteweightt scared for, cuz i didnt memorize it the night before. but i just learned it rly quick in class and we actually did pretty good on it.
then in 4th period, we had a sub. he was really old and weird and i think we just watched a movie. i was talking to nicole and brandon the whole time. i still dont like that class tho.
then at it was pretty boring. i just walked around with jaz and heather, and then we went to the table with everyone else for the rest of it. oh and they were doing this thing where they made like a peace sign on the quad and then someone took a picture of it from the roof and it was pretty cool. oh HAHA then these two guys were dancing to single ladies right by our table, ad they knew the whole thing. lol it was soo cute.
umm then in 5th period we had a  test, which i helllla forgot to study for. as soon as i got to class i  jsut like relearned the whole chapter and it actually wasnt that hard. 
then in 6th period we just watched romeo & juliet some more. 
after school, i just stayed there with everyone for awhile, and then i went home.
and idk why but i was helllla tired. its like the whole week catches up with me on fridays. haha like all of the sleep i didnt get during the week or something.
but then later i had to go to a fam. party since i was grounded from actually going out with friends.
and since im not allowed to do anything today either, imma just chill around the house and clean and do hw and exciting stuff like that. hahaha.
 and then later i havta go to anotherrr fam. party. hellluh BORING.
it would be nice if something interesting happened soon. :)
more later.
much ♥

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


huf is having a sale. i want this shirrrrtt. haha i think i need to buy it to make myself feel better. retail therapy is the best kind :)

Gemini: Wed. January 28th, 2009

It's a good idea to reexamine your toughest goal today -- it is too unrealistic.


Nothing seems to go quite right today -- though there are no disasters, either! You may find yourself pretty frustrated by evening, but rest assured that you will pull through pretty soon

well. that just about described my whole day. 
haha i usually dont look at my horoscope cuz then i get all weird about it and wait for the things it said to happen. but pretty much just sucked all around. 
so basically.
it started at like 2am when i woke up and realized i had fallen asleep in the middle of my outline i was doing for bio four hours earlier. i thought about getting up and finishing it...but in knew it would take at least another hour and i just didnt feel like it. 
thennnn i got to school hellla late and ms. musso was bitching at me and jazmin for being late like she does every other day.
then after p.e. i saw hotguy. with his ex gf. um, EW 
then once i got to spanish i didnt have my hw, cuz i lost my book. so my grades slipping and i think imma havta buy a new book. which sucks. 
then at lunch it was just...ew long story.
thennnnn in bio. she put grades up and i already have a C. wtf?! we've only had 3 assignments!
i reallyyyy need to start doing all my work before my grades slip even more. 
and on top of all that...i think im getting sick cuz i felt really weird all day.
i was just like dizzy and had a headache and was acheyy. and i couldnt think straight.
im gonna go find some cold medicine :)
hopefully tmrw will be better.
much ♥

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

lets see....

i went shopping for jordy yesterday and found some hella cutee stuff for him :D
these LRG jeans. and i found some nice nikes that were a collab. with huf. they're most likely limited tho...and prbly really expensive. ohhhwell.
haha i wanna go into styling or fashion merchandising :)
& im gonna start updating this dailyyy now.
cuz why not?
everyone and their mom has a blogspot now. prettttty dumb.
but whatever.
umm so lets see.
today was-ok. i guess.
seriously nothing too exciting. but ugh!
my grades have hella been slipping lately. so i decided that this semester im just not even gonna worry about guys or anything and just focus on school & friends & me. hahahahah its alreadyyy not working! i totally gave up on him like awhile back cuz he wasnt in it for the right reasons. and then on friday i heard something that made me wonder if i should really be giving up so quick...but now i can see that it was def. a good idea. ahah. sooo i was over that...but then today...
i was walking out of bio and hotguy was there and he smiled at meeee.
ahh and hes hella cute!!
we'll see what happens with it tho.
but anything would be cool with me :)
what elsee?
i guess nothing really seems interesting enough. everythings pretty much going the same as always.
and i have to do an outline of like 30 something pages by tmrw that i should have started on waay sooner.
so im out.
much ♥

Thursday, January 22, 2009


omg its raining like all this week
yayy! it makes me soo happyyy!
i havnt done one of these in awhilee..alot of stuff has happened. lets seee..
haha. ok soo finals are FINALLY over! 
thankgod. i was getting soo tired of studying and stressing about them; even though it was nice to get out early all week. and actually, i didnt do that bad on them! i have all A's & B's right now so im gonna tryta keep that up. but since it is a new semester..alot of things changed. 
health is over :( which sucks cuz that was the easiest class ever. now i have geography and we actually have to do work. ughh i hate that class already. the whole class is like hellaaa weird people, but at least nicole, osa, and brandon are in it. but anyywayyys. our teacher really likes to talk. like aLOT. about herself. ohhgeez. thats gonna get annoying really fast. and shes strict about random stuff that shouldnt even be a big deal. ms. kohl was hella cool and we had almost nooo rules in that class and now its like..ughh! 
also, i got switched out of my old geometry class. it was too hard, and i knew i wasnt gonna be able to bring my grades up so now im just in c.p. geometry. today was my first day, and the class was in the portables and omg it was so hard to find! hahah i was wandering around hella lost for like ten minutes before i found it.  so yeah i hadda walk in all late. and i barely knew anyyone. the class is mostly sophs. and juniors i think. and when i got there i thought they were way behind my old class...but really theyr like 2 or 3 chapters ahead, which kindaa scares me. but we'll see. it already seems waay easier. all we did today was take notes and then work on this worksheet for the rest of class. and people were telling me he barely gives hw so thats cool.
and then in bio. we hadda move seats :( that suckkkss. cuz the only reason i liked going to that class at all was to talk to mickala, saul, and imari. and some of the ppl who i sit by now are soo fckn annoying. but at least i have an A now, and imma tryyy to keep my grades up this semester. i hella need to get organized. with my life. as dumb as it sounds. aha. its trueee tho. this semester i needa like put more focus into school, and deff. less on guys. so we'll see how that goes. no but i really am gonna try, as boring as its gonna be. they can come laterrr.
soo this week went hella fast, suprisingly.
i was nottt looking forward to coming back but it really wasnt that bad. 
and this weekend i think imma hang out with lili and adri which is good cuz i havnt seen them in forrreeever. um yeah. alottt more stuff happened this week but im tirrreed. and im kindaa past all of the shit that happened. dumb bitch needs to get over herself. she tried to come at me sideways cuz she thinks i was talking to her boyfriend while they were going out.
pshh. the last thing i am is a homewrecker.
i do NOT mess around with other peoples boyfriends.
he approached me...and as far as i knew he was single.
at least thats what he told me.
if shes so concerned she needs to keep him on a shorter leash.
and check herself before she talks. 
im overrrr it- and she should be too.
enough about that though.
ahh i should prbly go do homework -_-
more later
much love <3

Monday, January 12, 2009

finals week.

ughh so tmrw i have my geometry and p.e. finals which hella sucks. i should be studying for geometry right now since i really dont know how to do anything in that class. i would have so much to do though, that i know im going to end up not even opening a book. lol. so this week is pretty short cuz of finals. today was just a normal day and then tmrw i have my p.e. final in the morning (its so fckn stupid that we have a final for p.e.!) and then i have my geometry final after that. we only have 2 a day, so we get out at like 12 something all week. so after school im gonna go to muir to visit everyone and go to a basketball game. then on wed. i have spanish which should be easy, and then health which should be even easier! haha. so sad though b/c wed. is my last day of health. that class was hella fun cuz nicole, anthony, and i just sat and talked the whole time. hahahha we had some hella funny ass convos during this semester. but wer getting split up cuz stupid anthony is taking creative writing or some shit, and nicole and i are doing geo. im thinking abt switching to creative writing tho cuz people told me geo. was sorta hard.. but ANYWAYS. on thursday i have bio (which im hella scared for) and english which should be easy. i had to study soo much for bio-its like all i did this weekend. it was such a waste. and then on friday we dnt have school and i was supposed to go to SF but i totally spaced..cuz theres that collegebound fieldtrip thing that i really really really DONT wanna go to. soo hopefully i wont have to. so basically..finals suck. ahha. ima try to go studyy so more later i guess...